Feature Request: Hi-hat opens not closing where pedal HH is indicated

Home Forums Encore Feature Request and Wish List Feature Request: Hi-hat opens not closing where pedal HH is indicated

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Avatar photojkds.
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  • #1680
    Avatar photojkds

      This could perhaps be an overall issue with MIDI but perhaps can be handled in Encore? It’s an issue only after conversion to an audio…I usually convert to a Encore .mid file and either then convert to an .mp3/.wav or import to something like EZ Drummer…the Hi-Hat closes (via pedal Hi-hat) never close the prior open. I have a functionasl workaround but if this could be fixed it would be a considerable time saver. Enough to make me smile on a rainy day. Ah…sounds like a song concept…

      I think the pedal Hi-Hats may very well “play” but it doesn’t handshake with the HH open as they are technically different numeric MIDI values. Also, to my observation, this is an issue with any/every notation software…even with Muse Score which can *directly* convert .mscz files into WAV or MP3 – the hi-hat opens still don’t close. So a cigar for the first program to nip this one??

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