Flexible chord naming

Home Forums Encore Feature Request and Wish List Flexible chord naming

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    Avatar photoSmoothie

      I am using an older version of Encore, but I have particular ways of naming chord symbols on lead sheets that make more sense to me and players I work with than the strictly proscribed rules available in Encore, or Finale for that matter. I have found some work-arounds to have it my way, but that entails more time used and it gets awkward, especially when these chords get repeated throughout a piece. For just a few examples, is it too much to ask for a delta symbol included instead of forcing use of maj7; m7 as an alternative to min7; more flexibility in naming altered dominants, freedom from all of the little parentheses, ability to use -9 or +11 instead of flat 9 and sharp 11; etc? If this flexibility has been written into the more recent versions of Encore, please excuse my rant.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Avatar photoSmoothie.
      Avatar photoMario2

        I would also have an addendum for the naming of chords.
        It would be great if you could edit the chord naming within certain limits and make up your own chord sets.
        In addition to the delta symbol for the maj7, I would like to add the small superscript o for a diminished chord.
        And then I would have a small request: Could one set up in this context for the German-speaking countries the possibility to write the B chord also as H chord?

        Avatar photoMike Halloran

          Chord naming is one of my priority items. That Finale does not include the minus symbol as a default for a minor chord, for example, is insane and one of the many issues I intend to address during the next beta round.

          Such flexibility has never been possible in Encore and it would be a wholly new feature so I’m not expecting it in the first release of 6. I’d like to see it added, though. For those of us who do lead sheets and small band projects, custom chord symbols that could be saved would be a timesaver.

          Avatar photoMario2

            When I was writing a 3-page score in Encore and wanted to enter the chord names, I finally found the solution for custom chord names! Yeah!

            In the “Chord symbols” view, uncheck “Show root” and enter the desired chord name in the “Custom” free text window at the bottom – that’s all.
            Click on “OK” to accept the desired chord name.
            Finally I can display the German “H” instead of the Anglo-American “B”.
            I hadn’t noticed this for years due to “operational blindness”. Shame on me…

            Avatar photoMike Halloran

              I had forgotten about that — I do it now and then.

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