How to span a chord or stem over two staves with Encore 5 (Mac or Windows)

Home Forums Encore How to span a chord or stem over two staves with Encore 5 (Mac or Windows)

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  • #1923
    Avatar photoEric Le Cardinal

      In anticipation of the new version, I have a function that I’ve never needed on Encore: it’s to connect two notes of a chord on both staves, as in this example on Musescore :

      Thanks for your help!


      Avatar photoMike Halloran

        Are you sure that’s not possible? I ask because I’ve done it accidentally a few times over the years. Cross staff beaming (pg 227 in the Encore 5 manual) may be required, too.

        Avatar photoiMaurizio

          I also remember to have done it sometime accidentally 🙂

          Avatar photoEric Le Cardinal

            Thanks Mike and Maurizio!
            Unfortunately, even though cross-Staff Beaming works very well, the function I’m looking for seems impossible! By the way, if you happen to find an example of an Encore file where you accidentally made this chord linked on two staves, I’d love to get it!

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