Hello Don, you have now announced Encore 6 for winter 2024.
Does this also apply to Master Tracks pro or is it no longer possible to do anything with the old code?
I think MTP closes a gap to other MIDI sequencers with its functionality and ease of use.
In anticipation of positive news,
MTP will come after Encore 6 and Overture 6, most likely around June 2025. I personally would like it sooner, but I am only capable of 12 hours a day for so long.
Personally MTP will be my favorite to work on, seeing how it was my first professional music program.
This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Admin.
Thank you very much for your reply. That makes me very happy!
MTP was the first professional music software I bought, followed by MusicTime. Encore came much later after many unsuccessful attempts with other sheet music programs.
I wish you every success in completing your projects!
This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Mario2.
Over the last 3 weeks I have had a few small Christmas parties that I was allowed to accompany as a solo artist. All the parties were quite successful and there was even dancing.
In the meantime, I’ve transferred the MIDI files I created and arranged in Master Tracks Pro to an iPad and then play them back to my lyrics using the Songbook+ software.
This works great and I can leave my Win98 laptop at home. But Master Tracks Pro is indispensable for editing and creating. I just love it!
This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Mario2.