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  • #1186
    Avatar photoAPITE

      Am I so glad to see this coming back…

      MTP was my first Mac MIDI Sequencer and I dream about being able to use it again with modern computers.

      Okay, my dream list:

      As much as we all work with virtual, I want MTP to stick to its roots and remain MIDI-only. Version 5-style, please! We can SMF to other DAW’s with ease these days.

      It’s been so long, but an OMS-style MIDI Manager would be nice (did MTP use OMS? I really can’t remember…)

      Obviously compatibility with older floppies/files. I still have my old v5 disk, and believe I still have song files backed up somewhere.

      Apple Silicon-aware. I ran this thing first on a 68000 Mac Plus, so hopefully M1 runs the same… /snark 🙂

      This is a long shot, but to be able to use MTP on iOS (iPad) would be silly fun.

      All I can dream up for now.

      I cannot wait to try this again – made so many songs with MTP and really want that ‘vibe’ back.

      Thanks for listening!

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