the rhythmic values of the notes in the tablature part

Home Forums Encore Feature Request and Wish List the rhythmic values of the notes in the tablature part

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  • #1707
    Avatar photoMilan Vaculik

      In the Encore 5 version – when writing tablature parts below a note, there is no option to insert “notes” (positions on the fretboard of the instrument) including rhythmic values (such as whole note, quarter note, eighth note, etc.). much missing – Will this feature be available in Encore 6?
      Milan Vaculik

      Avatar photoMario2

        As a guitar player, I support Milan’s suggestion. It would also be a great feature if the best positioning on the fretboard was suggested as it was with the “OptiFingering” add-on in Encore 5.
        Alternatively, there should be the possibility to choose the best position from several suggestions.

        Avatar photoMike Halloran

          Tablature in Encore is more flexible than you think. Begin page 176 in the manual to see all your options including the re-positioning of notes on frets and strings.

          That said, it’s not as easy or intuitive as the Tab in Finale — not by a long shot. For years, I used Encore for my church and studio work while all of my guitar and Tab was done in Finale.

          Avatar photoTerry Prohaska

            I, too, would like to see the option to show rhythmic values in tablature as well as ties, rests, dots, etc. I write a lot for fretted instruments and, like Mike Halloran, use Encore mostly for lead sheets with notation only and Finale for anything involving tablature. Since the announcement that Finale will no longer be issuing new versions I will, at some point need to navigate to Dorico (most likely) for tablature scores. The learning curve for Dorico is not something I am enthusiastic about tackling. I will continue to use Finale as long as it is compatible with my operating system.

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