What I would like to see

Home Forums Encore Feature Request and Wish List What I would like to see

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  • #1872
    Avatar photovromeromusic

      I know that you are not answering, but I beg to grab your attention.

      As a courtesy to your loyal fans and users could you please make a statement? Maybe:

      1. We are still working on the software and are aiming at launching x date
      2. All our programers quit, and we are looking to hire new ones in order to complete the software
      3. This was all a hoax, and there will be no Encore 2023

      Not wanting to be sarcastic, but as a professional courtesy you should provide an update.
      While we are waiting we are also learning how to use Finale, and Sibelius. I’d rather stay with Encore, but need an update.

      Avatar photoAdmin

        Update: I am currently working on Encore 6 full time and hope to have it ready by Thanksgiving.

        Thank you for your patience.

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