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    Avatar photoDrGeorgeMiklas

    The long wait for Encore 6 is excruciatingly painful. I am dreaming of a day when Mr. Don Williams will contact me personally to notify me that Encore 6 is ready. Mr. Williams, please use this email: [email protected]

    Is anyone else dreaming the same dream?

    Avatar photoBernard Rey

    Well the “late Fall” deadline is only ten days ahead, now. Let’s hope it won’t be delayed! 😉

    Avatar photoAdmin

    Update: I am currently working on Encore 6 full time and hope to have it ready by Thanksgiving.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Avatar photoDrGeorgeMiklas

    Don Williams, is Encore V6 ready yet? Please say so.

    Avatar photoMusiker

    Still hopeful…dreaming about Encore 6…
    Well, as long as my Encore 5 is running on Windows 11, there’s no real rush… but I fear that many Encore users will think otherwise (especially the many Mac users) and won’t wait (did not wait) anymore… many of them have already switched to other software. ..
    But I also think that many Encore users will happily return to Encore if Encore 6 ever becomes available… at a reasonable price – since many are already spending some money on other software and additional scanning software to replace their old ones files to use – so Encore 6 should not be too expensive…

    Avatar photoriojazz

    I don’t actually care what it costs if
    1) it doesn’t crash all the time and
    2) it exports existing Encore files as Music XML properly

    Avatar photoTimo

    I want to encourage everybody working with Encore 6 to get it ready. Until that my method to survive as a Mac user is to use Mojave in two old laptops. So I’m still productive with Encore 5, but how long… However, I won’t switch to any other program before I necessarily have to.

    Avatar photoMario2

    A dream is a dream until it becomes reality.
    As “Musiker” already said: As long as Encore 5 runs on Windows computers, Windows users can still dream.
    It will probably be more difficult for Mac users. Hang in there guys!
    Personally, I’ve gotten so used to Encore that it will be difficult to switch.
    I have Finale’s little brother, but I don’t get on at all with the lyrics input. The input is a real pain. It may be that you can learn it, but if you don’t use the software every day, you forget a lot of things.
    Musescore is just as user-unfriendly. I still haven’t managed to create a simple guitar tab with Musescore.
    The only alternative for me is Encore 6, if it remains as user-friendly as Encore 5.

    I hope Don Williams is in the best of health and manages to make the impossible come true: Encore 6!

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photoMario2.
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