I only know of Harmony Assistant (Myriad) which has an import function for MTD/Encore files. Developped at Encore 4 time-frame, and slightly modified more than 10 years ago to open Encore 5 files. Depending on the file complexity, it can do a good job (particularly on E4) or be very poor…
Very poor has been my experience, especially with regards to lyrics and expressions. I don’t like the workflow and cannot recommend spending the money. It’s available for a free evaluation, however, so don’t just take my word for it.
I’ve had much greater success with another Myriad product, PDFtoMusic Pro. Export as MusicXML 3 which handles expressions and lyrics, neither of which Encore’s xml export can handle. Open the resulting file in any modern notation app including MuseScore and edit the results. For it to work, you must have saved your Encore file to PDF. If an expression is positioned too close to another element, it will confuse the app but that’s what editing is for. Again, it’s available for evaluation without time limit.
During the Evaluation period, PDFtoMusic Pro will export only one page. Some get around this by exporting single pages as pdf and converting one at a time. There’s an equally cumbersome workflow to re-assemble in Finale. I can detail it if anyone needs.