Excited for Encore 6…Is it close?

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    Avatar photoDerinBrooks

    I’ve been an Encore user dating back to the mid 1990s. Nothing has ever compared to the user-friendliness of this program for music notation. It is now “late fall 2022″…does this mean we are close to seeing it released? 🙂

    Avatar photomrklarinet

    Since we are now in winter, apparently not.

    Avatar photoMario2

    For now it’s Christmas.
    I think Encore will be released early next year.

    By the way, I just finished a new score with Encore 😉 
    I love this fast and uncomplicated input of lyrics in Encore and hope that it will be as easy with Encore 6.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Avatar photoMario2.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Avatar photoMario2. Reason: Additional text
    Avatar photoPbebim

    What I need is to put an extra staff only in some systems.
    Do you think it will be possible in version 6?

    Percy Bergman, Sweden

    Avatar photoodod

    already have Sibelius, Dorico and Finale .. but excited with E6 too, it seems they have issue in release date

    Avatar photosynthzizer

    They have an issue with even saying something…

    Avatar photoAndre Baeck

    “What I need is to put an extra staff only in some systems.
    Do you think it will be possible in version 6?”

    This has “always” been possible. Actually, the extra staff “exists” in all systems, but you can hide it where you want to (select the staves you want to hide, and press “hide staves” in the View Menu).

    Avatar photoMike Halloran

    What Andre says.

    I don’t know of any notation app where you can insert a staff in some systems only. The way it’s done is that the staff is present through the entire piece. It’s Show/Hide as you need to see it. Encore has had this ability as long as I remember.

    Avatar photoDrGeorgeMiklas

    Mike, Does the feature allow you to hide selected measures? Please advise.

    Avatar photoMike Halloran

    “Mike, Does the feature allow you to hide selected measures? Please advise.”

    In Encore 5, you can hide a staff or staves in a system but you cannot hide selected measures (page 206). Overture is the same in that regard.

    Few users need to hide selected measures leaving a partial staff in a system. The normal practice is to show empty measures in staves where are some notes and hide only those where there are empty measures.

    OTOH, this is quite easy on a Mac if you print to .pdf first. Preview has some simple shape tools that let you hide anything you want and add text as desired.

    If you need more flexibility than that, it’s Finale/Sibelius/Dorico.

    Avatar photoJohn Fallas

    Hi George & Mike, I used to have Encore from the very beginning (1989 or 90) and when Passport folded I switched to Overture 2, which I’ve been using ever since. That’s just for background info.
    Regarding hiding measures, it’s very easy in Overture is to select a measure’s content and make it invisible, but the staff lines remain visible. To blank out a measure or measures you can also do that in Overture using the Graphics tools and drawing an opaque rectangle with no borders over them. You can then even add some text to a measure (instructions, for instance).

    Avatar photoEric Le Cardinal

    Hi everybody
    In Musescore 3 it is possible to hide a bar anywhere in the score, the content and the staves.
    The more I use it, the more I discover functions that did not exist in Encore.
    When Encore 6 will be released I’m not sure I’ll come back to it because I can open my old Encore files with PlayOnMac and a virtual installation of Encore PC and export them as midifiles

    Avatar photoRDavidson

    Indeed, I have been waiting for Encore 6 — especially if it will be compatible with Mac operating systems beyond Mojave. I have been using Encore for 30 years, and it has only become better and better. The new version will enable us to keep thousands of pieces in the same software, rather than trying to convert everything to another platform.

    Avatar photoAdmin

    Update: I am currently working on Encore 6 full time and hope to have it ready by Thanksgiving.

    Thank you for your patience.

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