I used Encore because it’s easy and fast. I’m jazz musician and my needs are not the same as classical ones.
Layout is very important to me.
Sometime I just need one staff and some chords.
Sometime I need a second line of chords for variations (often just for a part not the entier score).
Sometime I need to add a rythmic staff or drum staff for rhythmic pattern (often just for a part not the entier score).
Sometime the same for a bass line.
Sometime I need to write several staffs..
And I need to layout this by 4 bars or 8 bars to make it easy to read and using returning windows (or gates, I don’t know the english word for that).
So I used Encore because it’s easy and fast to create these kind of score and I just want to have the same easiness. Software like Finale, Sibelius and a lot others are just hell for Jazz musician.
So I hope having a modern and stable frontend, having new feature (with pleasure), but most of all being able to work as fast et intuitively as before. Please, for this point, change nothing!