Feature request : Change nothing!

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  • #1745
    Avatar photoPhilippe Le Bel

      I used Encore because it’s easy and fast. I’m jazz musician and my needs are not the same as classical ones.

      Layout is very important to me.
      Sometime I just need one staff and some chords.
      Sometime I need a second line of chords for variations (often just for a part not the entier score).
      Sometime I need to add a rythmic staff or drum staff for rhythmic pattern (often just for a part not the entier score).
      Sometime the same for a bass line.
      Sometime I need to write several staffs..

      And I need to layout this by 4 bars or 8 bars to make it easy to read and using returning windows (or gates, I don’t know the english word for that).

      So I used Encore because it’s easy and fast to create these kind of score and I just want to have the same easiness. Software like Finale, Sibelius and a lot others are just hell for Jazz musician.

      So I hope having a modern and stable frontend, having new feature (with pleasure), but most of all being able to work as fast et intuitively as before. Please, for this point, change nothing!

      Avatar photosaxandkeys

        … or at least if changes are made – still retain the core ease-of-use that made Encore a go-to for quick sketches and even full score for many.

        Avatar photoMike Halloran

          I pretty much agree with the following exceptions:

          Printed slurs and ties need to look good. On screen, they do; when printed, they are horrible.

          Symbols need to be resizable, especially the Coda.

          MusicXML import/export needs upgrading to version 3.0.

          Avatar photoAdmin

            Update: I am currently working on Encore 6 full time and hope to have it ready by the end of the year, 2024.

            Encore 6 will remain simple and these issues will be addresed.

            Thank you for your patience.

            • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photoAdmin.
            Avatar photoJohannes

              have it ready by Thanksgiving

              What year?

              With musical greetings!

              p.s.: You see, some are still waiting… very patient…

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