If you moved on from Encore, what are you now using?

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    Avatar photoArievilof

      We all have problems. But Don should explain himself to his customers. I think that when he does (if he does), he will no longer have customers. They will all have migrated. I am very disappointed with him. Overture 5 is a true work of art. But it lacks functional refinement. It fails more than a shotgun with continuous crashes. Absurd collisions. It doesn’t work well in XML imports and exports… and more. The list of bugs and improvements to be made, no need for me to say it. Don himself has them listed in the improvements and adjustments he has to make for the “next” (if there is one) version of Overture. I’ll help myself for now, but the improvements are much needed. Don’s silence seems disrespectful to me.

      Avatar photoMike Mullin

        Disrespectful? You are not at a first world supermarket. (Although you sound like you are) If creating a modern notation program on two operating systems was easy even you could do it! Wait your turn like everyone else….

        Avatar photoArievilof

          As you wish. But Don is digging his own grave. The customer is not a sheep of the flock. Don’s attitude of “despising” his customers (even deleting critical comments from the forum), seems to me a notorious lack of empathy and sensitivity.
          Of course, Don has ensured the exodus of Overture users to other products, except for a few exceptions of unconditional followers who accept a specific situation, which for others is unacceptable.
          Because of my age, I am not going to make a move, but I think that younger users will think about it. Overture is a great program and some will hope that its development will be continued. But, let’s be realistic: Four years have already passed! And there is practically no hopeful news.
          What a pity. For my part I’m going to leave the kind discussion, because I think you and I are at the antipodes of the perception of how a serious company should behave with its customers.

          Avatar photosherylmc

            An update: I purchased and have been learning Dorico 5. Yes, it’s not the same as Encore, and yes, it has a learning curve, but so did Encore. And like mentioned above, I’m sure Encore 6 will be a rewrite with a learning curve too. My 1st Dorico project was accomplished in about 3 hours, and the printed score looks very nice. — While we are all waiting for Encore 6, leaning something new might not be as terrible as we think it will be.

            Avatar photogrossmusic

              Tried others. Encore was the only thing for me. Still have it on an old, dying Mac, but all is obsolete.

              Avatar photoJLN

                the right combination: Encore + MTP …
                old Macs don’t die quickly and it’s fashionable to say that something is obsolete, for example: a coffee machine that doesn’t wash clothes is nowadays considered obsolete…

                • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Avatar photoJLN.
                • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Avatar photoJLN.
                Avatar photoMike Halloran

                  I discovered an (apparently) amateur program (Harmony Assistant).

                  I tried it recently. Unlike the constant suggestions on the old board, I see that this version actually opens Encore 5 files with much of the information intact.

                  I’m glad you like it but there are way too many deficiencies for me to be able to stand it. It’s less work to open PDFs of my Encore files in PDFtoMusic Pro 2 and export to Finale via MusicXML 3.0 than it is to correct/edit my scores in Harmony Assistant and go from there—way too fiddly for me. The $95 price is the only thing that I liked about it.

                  I am still looking forward to Encore 6 and hope that I can do my next Christmas Book in it. For that, lead sheets and my choral work, Finale is way overkill but Harmony Assistant ain’t it for me.

                  Avatar photoAndre Baeck

                    Hello Mike,
                    Do I understand it well that the heading and first paragraph represent a quote fropm somebody else (I didn’t see that in this forum),
                    and that from the second paragraph onwards (I’m glad…) it is your own reply?

                    Avatar photoBernard Rey

                      Andre, Mike is quoting a sentence from message #3551 (bottom of page 1). Only the blue enhanced line is a quote, the following lines are Mike’s reply.

                      Avatar photoMike Halloran

                        Only the blue enhanced line is a quote, the following lines are Mike’s reply

                        Exactly. To do the same, copy the line(s) you wish to quote. Now paste them into a Reply, highlight and select B-QUOTE from the top menu. Now type your remarks below. Submit and your quote will be in blue.

                        Avatar photogrossmusic

                          it’s fashionable to say that something is obsolete

                          Obsolete is definitely the right word for a computer that is swelling (battery?) over the years & stopped doing any kind of Time Machine or other backups but is on duct-taped life support with unsupported system software JUST so I can run an old music notation software that is taking forever to be updated. The implication that it’s whiny in any way after being abandoned for 10 years & just HAPPENING upon this forum where promises are being made but not panning out (understandable to a degree, but frustrating) is rude.

                          Yes. Encore is obsolete & so is my computer.

                          Back to topic, I had tried Finale & had a friend spend a day training me on it many years ago, but it was too expensive & frustrating at the time to stick with it. Thus stuck with OBSOLETE software & hardware.

                          computer image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeqW2WrzOLoxi6lQVQg7QGT4oR77xigQ/view?usp=sharing

                          • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Avatar photogrossmusic.
                          • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Avatar photogrossmusic.
                          • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Avatar photogrossmusic.
                          • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Avatar photogrossmusic.
                          • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Avatar photogrossmusic.
                          Avatar photogrossmusic

                            Well – I learned there is an < / > that must close the B-Quote
                            & the IMG doesn’t work, so must use a link.

                            • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Avatar photogrossmusic.
                            • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Avatar photogrossmusic.
                            Avatar photoArievilof

                              Mike Halloran dixi:
                              “Harmony Assistant ain’t it for me. “

                              I can understand that. But I can also tell you that most of the programs are good or bad depending on who manages them. I use Harmony to do real graphical feats that would be impossible in Encore, and even nowadays in Sibelius, Dorico, Musescore or Dorico (among others) on their own. And since my (playful) activity is choirs, I have the Virtual-Real Singer and a free space in the cloud for my choir’s repertoire with a wonderful player.

                              • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by Avatar photoArievilof.
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