Encore Issues I’d Like Sorted In 6

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    Avatar photosynthzizer

      I use Encore for Sequencing mostly. Not really for Score Printing so these are my issues:

      – I like to see an un-Brace/Bracket for all staffs function.
      – Midi Ports have default issues for me where I have to reset 16 of them every session. (I’m running 32 ports & 17 – 32 default to 1 – 16)
      – Cannot Undo anything Score Or Global related.
      – Limited to only 1x notes related undo. Please increase to at least 10x.
      – Grace notes cause irregular measure widths. There are other measure width anomalies but I’m still not sure of the causes.
      – Remove all marks from selected notes function.
      – Install marks onto all selected notes function.
      – Display Tempo (Hide/Show) Defaults to show.
      – Page view defaults to top when flipping pages. This is a PITA when working on bottom of page staffs.
      – I want to select whole bars in a range but this is not possible. Currently have to select/highlight for copying all bars separately.
      – A humanize function where can drag notes off grid would be amazing (or a globally/selected function of amount and type)

      Thanks so much for the hard work you guys are doing. Can’t wait and thanks for looking into these for me if not all ready..

      Avatar photosynthzizer

        – Edit clarifying irregular measure widths what I mean is irregular note/rest/gap spacings within measures. (not actual measure widths)

        Avatar photosynthzizer

          – Adding control change messages (number & amount) is very buggy. There is something wrong with the interface input parameters.

          Avatar photosynthzizer

            – Display note velocity’s when hovered over

            Avatar photoMike Halloran

              Have you looked at Overture 5? It has the functionality of Encore + MasterTracks Pro.

              What it does not have is the ability to open Encore files — yet. Don says that a future update will.

              I would download the demo and see if it does what you need. If it does, there’s an upgrade path from Encore.


              Avatar photosynthzizer

                I started a large project in Encore in December. I sequenced an entire Disco album one song strait into the other. File is 350 pages. Everything is meticulously sequenced. I’ve even used humanizing tricks within Encore. There is no turning back. All the drums, synths played from Encore is what the public will hear… this is about to go to tape.. (real tape) then guitar and vox over dubs…… thanks but Overture will have to wait..

                Avatar photoMike Halloran

                  as will you, apparently.

                  Avatar photosynthzizer

                    A reset dynamics mark to actual note values. Once you start using PPP/FF/F/Mf etc. There is no turning back unless you disable them in the menu. These can be a good humanize feature but don’t bother if you want full velocity control again… (i hope that makes sense)

                    Avatar photosynthzizer

                      The Linear view is plagued by bugs when reverting back It can compress the score and notes to mince meat… Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank fk I saved other copies.. now toooo risky to use linear view…

                      Avatar photosynthzizer

                        I can’t stress enough again.. we need note velocity displayed when hovered over..

                        Avatar photoMike Halloran

                          “I can’t stress enough again.. we need note velocity displayed when hovered over..”

                          Does any notation app do that?

                          Avatar photosynthzizer

                            I don’t know Mike, but don’t we need someway to tell what each note VL is set too?

                            Avatar photosynthzizer

                              The Add Text Function is crazy buggy OMG. If I add Text elements they can dismantle playback, cause crashes by untold amounts, disappear into a blackhole after being placed, in turn causing crashes and dead spots in midi playback. I had to go right back through hundreds of pages delete all Text elements, save dozens of backup copies because of the corrupt, add text issues.. I now have a huge score with only double bar lines to let me know roughly where each section starts. Anything Text related and midi playback is a huge red flag event.. be careful everyone..
                              Please fix this thanks you so much..

                              Avatar photoMike Halloran

                                “I don’t know Mike, but don’t we need someway to tell what each note VL is set too?”

                                In 55 years of doing notation, I’ve never needed that. Not once, not ever. Of course, the first 20 years were pen and ink. Sill, I know of no notation app that does this. MIDI, yes after a fashion but not notation.

                                “….The Add Text Function is crazy buggy OMG. If I add Text elements they can dismantle playback, cause crashes by untold amounts, disappear into a blackhole after being placed”

                                Huh? What version of Encore are you using? I have never experienced that. Disappearing and misplaced Text elements, yes, but the rest of it? No. I’ve had Encore and Overture since version 1 and MusicShop before that.

                                • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Avatar photoMike Halloran.
                                Avatar photosynthzizer

                                  Like my 1st post says I use Encore to sequence so Velocity is big for me
                                  I’m using 5.6. I have 5.7 but that is buggy as well and I experience even more crashes with 5.7.

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