It’s been a while.

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  • #3471
    Avatar photoAdmin

      I am back working on Encore 6. I took on another project that took over a year and I apologize for not being more transparent and for it taking so long.

      I had worked for about 6 months trying to salvage the Encore 5 code. After many attempts, a lot of frustration, I have decided to throw away the 6 months of work and pretty much start over. The Encore 5 code was such a mess that it would take a year to fix it. The Mac code was still OS 9 code and that is why the MAC version died before the Windows version. Apparently they never attempted to convert the MAC version and eventually Apple deprecated enough code that Encore could not be run on a MAC. I remember back when Finale converted to OSX it took them 17 months and I took 6 months to convert Overture, so I know it was a difficult task.

      My plan is to use a lot of Overture code inside Encore 6 while keeping the Encore 5 functionality. This means the file format will definitely change and of course this will lead to a few differences between Encore 5 and 6, but the change will allow for a much more stable Encore 6, that will be easy to upgrade and maintain.

      Now of course everyone would like to have a date. I may have a demo version up and running by Thanksgiving and hopefully, something I can ship by Christmas that will allow users to open, edit, and save all their old Encore scores. If I am lucky, maybe even sooner.

      Finally as soon as I have a working version, I’ll release it for users to get a taste of what is to come.

      • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Avatar photoAdmin.
      • This topic was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Avatar photoAdmin.
      Avatar photoGroovyjazzyfunky

        Thanks for the update.

        • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Avatar photoGroovyjazzyfunky.
        • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Avatar photoAdmin.
        Avatar photombrehm_

          Thank you for the updete. Good things take time… I was a former Encore beta tester and translator (German). If you need support for the new version, please get in touch…

          Avatar photoBernard Rey

            Thanks. It’s really very comforting to read this information! I can’t wait…

            Avatar photodougkerr

              Hi, Don,

              Is it your thought that Encore 6 will run under Windows 7?

              Best regards,

              Doug Kerr

              Avatar photoKarl Armbruster

                This is the best news for many months.

                Avatar photojaz

                  I/we really appreciate the update with a real end in sight.

                  Avatar photoMike Mullin

                    Thank you for this Don.

                    Avatar photocommnthings

                      Great to hear.

                      Avatar phototherobotfilm

                        It will be a great Christmas! If it works on the M1 chip, we will all be happy!

                        Avatar photoMario2

                          Thanks for the update Don!
                          That’s very good news for Encore 6.
                          Does this apply to MTP as well?

                          Avatar photoAdriaan Dropsie

                            Great! Will there be a discount for old users who toke the time and remained their believe in Encore 6?
                            At this moment I’m testing Dorico but still use the old Encore, intuitive and ahead for his time. Invisible frames, just drag and drop, full of bugs but who cares when your working with a program for decades…

                            Avatar photoMike Mullin

                              I feel compelled to say, in light of recent comments, that I will be
                              very happy to get a updated version of Encore that works on modern operating systems
                              and modern computers. If it costs some money to make that happen, NOT A Problem!

                              Avatar photoMike Halloran


                                I’ve been spending the last few weeks helping Apple Support with the latest Sequoia update. Oh boy… Hopefully, Apple will be releasing updated Support documents soon.

                                Meanwhile, I’ve stumbled across a relatively easy way to import PDF files generated by Encore into Finale/Sibelius/MuseScore. There’s even a free way to do this as long as one is willing to do it one page at a time.

                                I’ll try to get it edited and posted this weekend.

                                Avatar photoJLN

                                  Thank You so much Don !
                                  ( A friend introduced me to Encore 3, I bought Encore 4 and 5 and continue to use it on a 32 bit Mac )
                                  being a beta tester for various programmes, I know that it can take a long time…

                                  • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Avatar photoJLN.
                                  • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Avatar photoJLN.
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