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    Just checked in for my monthly “NOTE: At this time there are no products being sold or none to be downloaded. This will only occur when Encore 6 is released.” Maybe should check every 2 months. Wouldn’t make any difference, still be “NOTE: At this time there are no products being sold or none to be downloaded. This will only occur when Encore 6 is released.” I’m starting to think there’s a lot of sovereign citizens and flatearthers inhabiting the Encore universe. Who after years of no support, stay with an decade departed outdated software, because, unlike millions of Finale and Sibelius users, are ‘unable to learn new things’. Sadder still, they’ll find out that Encore 6 is going to be a learning curve too. But not soon. Finshed another score in Finale while typing this derision letter. Why derision? Well, if Don Williams isn’t supporting you, why would anyone else?

    in reply to: Encore 6.0 Release #3323
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    Well, for Encore to include the capabilities Sibelius and Finale have, it will no longer be the decades old simplicity it was. I guess people still drive the outdated Model T because they can’t figure out how to turn on and off heat, air conditioning, wipers or use an automatic transmission or an electric starter.

    in reply to: Encore 6.0 Release #3304
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    Sad. last Encore 2013, it is now 2024 headed into April. Just wondering WHO could possibly be interested in decades long torment like this. Sort of like the guy the goes to the same bar each weekend and ends up getting beaten up, despite the fact there’s dozens of other bars. When you are admiring his two black eyes and swollen lip at coffee, you ask him ‘Why on earth do you keep going back?” He replies “Because it’s my favorite bar, where else would I go?” Really wish they had emojis on this page, I’d put the laughing hysterically with tears streaming down the face one.

    in reply to: Encore 6.0 Release #3295
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    I’m 72 and keep learning new things to keep the mind young. Learned Finale in 2017 when it became apparent Encore had died. The common thread in the ‘waitin’ for the day’ (for years) Encore crowd is ‘I don’t learn new things’ So, I guess learning a new song would be out too. Again, for Encore 6.0 to compete with Finale, Sibelius, etc. it will need to massively upgrade the decade old (DECADE OLD!) Encore 4.5 . As to the intuitive part, try entering grace or cue notes! To update and include all the new functions will require a learning curve. That will be no less easier or harder then learning any other program. But one of the things that surprised me about learning Finale was how quickly it happened, largely in part to the great support from the Finale Forum and Finale Help. Apart from Encore 6.0 one day appearing, and let’s assume it does, is there any reason to believe support will magically appear? But, I’ll check in every month for “NOTE: At this time there are no products being sold or none to be downloaded. This will only occur when Encore 6 is released.” And, just completed another score in Finale in the time it took me to dictate this.

    in reply to: Encore 6.0 Release #3292
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    Good luck people. I’ll check back this fall to read “NOTE: At this time there are no products being sold or none to be downloaded. This will only occur when Encore 6 is released.” Interesting that since no-one has any solid idea what Encore 6.0 will look like, it would seem reasonable it will need a learning curve to learn the ‘new’ Encore. If it’s going to try to compete with Finale, Sibelius and others it can no longer be simplistic as I find from 2013 is. It can barley handle the old xml and CANNOT handle .musicxml, or .mxl , it is cumbersome to input grace and cue notes. No need to go on, there’s a long list. I, like many took a little time when I got Encore, to learn to use it. I did the same for Finale and Sibelius. Turned out to be a small learning curve I was surprised to find. Especially with their support and forums! You get TONS of help. You can download demos of Finale and Sibelius to check them out. If you’ve got time to wait patiently (absurdly) for years, you would have been fluent with one of the others by now (and happy). But, check in every month for your regular dose of “NOTE: At this time there are no products being sold or none to be downloaded. This will only occur when Encore 6 is released.” Ah, just completed another score in Finale in the time it took me to dictate this.

    in reply to: Encore 6.0 Release #3285
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    Really, no idea. It would seem Don Williams has no idea either. Like many long suffering Encore users ( from 2013) I long ago moved on to Finale and Sibelius. Who both have stellar support. I’ve been opening it for the last 2 years to see the ‘NOTE: At this time there are no products being sold or none to be downloaded. This will only occur when Encore 6 is released.’ eternal flag. And like many, I would need a big incentive to even check it out. Certainly a trial download. But even then, who would lay out cash for this kind of no support. Not me.

    in reply to: Please Read: We’re are not answering posts at this time. #1944
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    Indeed, I use Sibelius and Finale both now. No problem. If Encore EVER is released, they’ll need a demo version for me to even check it out. Certainly not going to lay down any hard cash for a ‘whatever unsupported software’ with it’s past and current history of non-communication and non-support.
    Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me.
    As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

    in reply to: Where is Encore 6.0? #1830
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    I still have Encore 2013 circa. I endured the endless stall of previous owners. Goes without saying, but realistically we’re still in the same endless misery loop. There are not enough expletives to adequately express my dis-satisfaction. I downloaded Score Writer 5.0 and it is Encore with a different name, really. Except it won’t open Encore files. It does import xml, mxl and musicxml perfectly. Something Encore 5 was so out of date it couldn’t do. So, since it has all the functionality and Don Williams has all the code it is truly beyond comprehension why Encore 6.0 is not arrived. Also why I, like many have gone to Finale, Sibelius and MuseScore.

    So, Mike, have you downloaded and test driven Score Writer?

    This is not meant as a complaint letter, regardless of how it may be construed. Which is why no nasty words used. But if a loyal Encore fan can’t vent, what is the point. This perpetual stalling worries me that ongoing problems will be addressed in the same delinquent manner.

    in reply to: Encore 6 #1727
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    I have Encore Runs fine on Windows 11. But like everyone else, I’m just checking in to see if there’s any updates to “release fall of 2022” As Dr Seuss said “This is like the unicorn – it is rumoured to exist, but I doubt I will see any.”

    in reply to: Feature Request: To be able to select default font #1726
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    I have Encore Runs fine on Windows 11. But like everyone else, I’m just checking in to see if there’s any updates to “release fall of 2022” As Dr Seuss said “This is like the unicorn – it is rumoured to exist, but I doubt I will see any.”

    in reply to: Please Read: We’re are not answering posts at this time. #1725
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    I have Encore Runs fine on Windows 11. But like everyone else, I’m just checking in to see if there’s any updates to “release fall of 2022” As Dr Seuss said “This is like the unicorn – it is rumoured to exist, but I doubt I will see any.”

    in reply to: Encore 5.0.2 in Windows 11 #1474
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    Sigh…………………………………..Seems we’ve been on this “NO INFO” before…………
    Release date being fall, now winter, now November…………
    Are there any beta testers who can give us a glimmer?

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