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I had forgotten about that — I do it now and then.
>but converting a program from 32 bit to 64 bit I’m sure can be done relatively quickly.<
If you say so.
The Mac version of v.5 doesn’t do this very well at all. Copying and pasting often works but, when it doesn’t, there’s no easy workaround.
“I used it very rarely, but I remember that Encore 5.x has a sort of VST host that allows to open virtual instruments of third parties and assign them to the staffs. Did you ever try it ?”
This broke somewhere in v.5.
Encore 6 is not expected to support 3rd party VIs at first according to an earlier post by Don.
Not all Intel Macs will run Encore. The 2020 iMac definitely won’t (we have one) and neither will the 2019. Neither will the Mac Pro 7.1 or any other Mac introduced new in 2019 or later. All ship with 64 bit operating systems.
MacOS 10.14 Mojave is the last OS that can run Encore 5.0.7 and it works better than any other MacOS. The 2018 Mini was the last Mac that shipped with Mojave. If you need to run a later MacOS, configure a Mojave bootable APFS Volume and Option-Boot into it when you need to run Encore—a bootable external drive works, too. Those Macs with T1 and T2 chips will need theit security settings changed in the Repair Partition but again, Apple has Support docs on this.
I like the screen sharing idea though I do monitor sharing instead. My iMac Pro is gone and the 13″ & 15″ screens on my 2012 MacBook Pros are just too small for these old eyes. It’s 27″ or nothing for me these days.
The problem with MuseScore is that it’s not very good and the workflow is terrible, both things readily conceded by MuseGroup in a recent Scoring
Notes article. Yes, v.4 looks much better but so few of those posting scores know how to lay out a page of music so that it can be read easily. Finale, Sibelius, Overture, Notion and even Encore are far superior in this regard. Encore’s workflow is elegant by comparison—too bad that printed scores are unacceptable for publication.I have a couple of Christmas books out there that I did using screen shots instead of the Print commands. On screen, Encore 5.0.7 looks a lot better, especially note heads and slurs.
Not all Intel Macs will run Encore. The 2020 iMac definitely won’t (we have one) and neither will the 2019. Neither will the Mac Pro 7.1 or any other Mac introduced new in 2019 or later. All ship with 64 bit operating systems that cannot be downgraded.
MacOS 10.14 Mojave is the last OS that can run Encore 5.0.7 and it’s the best one. The 2018 Mini was the last Mac that shipped with Mojave. If you need to run a later MacOS, configure a Mojave bootable APFS Volume and Option-Boot into it when you need to run Encore—a bootable external drive works, too. Those Macs with T1 and T2 chips will need their security settings modified in the Repair Partition but again, Apple has Support docs on this.
I like the screen sharing idea though I do monitor sharing instead. My 2017 iMac Pro is sold and the 13″ & 15″ screens on my 2012 MacBook Pros are just too small for these old eyes. It’s 27″ or nothing for me these days.
“The winter of ’23 was last winter.”
Not yet.
No idea. Date formats look fine over Chrome on my Mac.
I don’t know if I have the last build for PC but Andre does. See this thread.
I received my new Mac a few days ago and am in the middle of setting it up. Certain drives are not back online yet.
Frankly, I hope not. The use of dashed slurs is one of the scourges of modern vocal music. They make it harder to read and add nothing. Look at old hymnals to see how this was done for centuries.
Dashed slurs should be used for critical editions to suggest edits not found in a manuscript or urtext. There are bowing articulations that require them, too. Otherwise, make it easy on singers and don’t use dashed slurs.
People are going nuts over this issue. It shouldn’t be a problem on the Mac. Windows…
We’ll know soon enough.
Running 5.0.7 from a Mojave boot drive works well. Andre has the full installer plus some support docs that I forwarded to him.
For best results, it’s important that all older versions be removed, especially fonts from the Users/(user)/Library/Fonts. The 5.0.7 installer does not remove fonts from that directory. Encore fonts should only reside in HD/Library/Fonts.
Did it work in 4.5.5? Mac or Windows?
Nevermind, you answered that in a different thread. Encore 4 and Windows.
Chord naming is one of my priority items. That Finale does not include the minus symbol as a default for a minor chord, for example, is insane and one of the many issues I intend to address during the next beta round.
Such flexibility has never been possible in Encore and it would be a wholly new feature so I’m not expecting it in the first release of 6. I’d like to see it added, though. For those of us who do lead sheets and small band projects, custom chord symbols that could be saved would be a timesaver.
Unbelievable, perhaps, but it wasn’t a typo when written.