Mike Halloran

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      in reply to: Last Measure on System Screw Up #1685
      Avatar photoMike Halloran

        “ Is there any quick fix to this problem where Encore only shows part of the last measure even though it is all there?”

        That was a longtime problem on the Mac. Encore 5.0.7 no longer does this in MacOS 10.14 Mojave.

        Avatar photoMike Halloran

          If that question was aimed at me, I have owned Overture 5 since it was released. Unfortunately, it does not open Encore files. I am told a future of Overture version will.

          That said, I can create quick charts for my choirs and bands faster in Encore than Overture. Unfortunately, I need to boot into Mojave in order to do so. When I get me Mac Studio, this option will no longer be open to me.

          Back to the topic, I can’t stand MuseScore and I am a paid subscriber. There are times when having an unlimited access to that library saves me time but I export the MusicXML into Finale. I use whatever tools get the job done and it is never, ever MuseScoe.

          in reply to: Build upon Encore instead of wholesale revamping #1667
          Avatar photoMike Halloran

            “… mouse hold locking up the interface…”

            Huh? I’ve never experienced this. Is this a Windows problem? If not, what OS and version are you using?

            in reply to: Read MTD files #1666
            Avatar photoMike Halloran

              If Encore 5 could read them, it’s probable that Encore 6 will. We won’t know till it’s released.

              One of the issues with Encore 5 is that it can’t read many older Encore files. I avoided this by converting all of mine from 4 to 5 when there was a build of the MacOS where this could be done.

              Avatar photoMike Halloran

                You can in Voices.

                in reply to: “No Meter” option. #1644
                Avatar photoMike Halloran

                  You should download the Overture 5 demo to see how well that can do what you need. I’m not expecting Encore 6 to have additional functionality in that regard. I don’t know how to access the Overture manual except from within the app. A future version of Overture will be able to open Encore files.

                  Those writing modern plainsong (chant, hymnals etc.) these days are using Finale, Sibelius and a few are now embracing Dorico. Finale has the largest toolbox for this kind of work and is also the only one that can write actual plainsong using Medieval 2, a 3rd party plug-in.

                  in reply to: MusicTime Deluxe #1643
                  Avatar photoMike Halloran

                    If MTD is not printing on a Windows machine, the normal culprit is that it cannot find a valid license. Windows updates are well known for causing path errors. You may have to remove and reinstall MTD, reboot.

                    The last four MacOS are 64 bit only. 32 bit apps like MTD and Encore cannot work until upgraded. Encore 6 will be 64 bit and open older files but no one knows how old yet. Encore 5, unfortunately, could not open many older files.

                    in reply to: Encore 6 #1642
                    Avatar photoMike Halloran

                      “ Help – this interruption seems to have fouled up my MusicTime Deluxe 4”

                      What changed in Windows?

                      in reply to: ENCORE 6… PLEASE… I NEED WORK… #1641
                      Avatar photoMike Halloran

                        The last three MacOS did not support 32 bit applications, either. That was under the previous ownership. We all want Encore 6 to work when finally released.

                        in reply to: Last Measure on System Screw Up #1640
                        Avatar photoMike Halloran

                          Slurs are expected to be much better in Encore 6.

                          Avatar photoMike Halloran

                            The only way that MuseScore could interest me is if it could open my Encore files. It can’t. I’ve checked it out and still can’t stand the workflow. It does look a whole heck of a lot better, I’ll give it that.

                            I hope that Encore 6 is nothing like MuseScore. I want something quick and easy that lets me get pages to my singers as fast as Encore but with much better slurs.

                            in reply to: Is Encore compatible with Mac OS 13 Ventura? #1621
                            Avatar photoMike Halloran

                              Actually, Encore 5.0.7 for Mac works much better over MacOS 10.14 Mojave than it ever did over Sierra and High Sierra. Unfortunately, E5, being 32 bit only cannot work over Catalina and later, as they require 64 bit apps.

                              We are all waiting on Encore 6.

                              in reply to: Importing old Encore 5 files #1581
                              Avatar photoMike Halloran

                                If Encore 6 does not open Encore 5 files, what’s the point? Safe to say this needs to a primary function of v.6. No idea about Encore 4.5.5 and earlier.

                                I had a Mac G4 set to dual-boot in OS 9/OS 10.4.11 Tiger. Encore 4.5.5 could open 4.0.2 and earlier in OS 9 and save. I could then boot into Tiger, open the 4.5.5 files in Encore 5.0.2 and Save. Now I could transfer them to my iMac and open those in 5.0.5/6/7 in MacOS 10.7—10.14 Mojave. Convoluted? Hell yes but it worked. Let’s hope we don’t have to go through that again.

                                in reply to: Printing #1580
                                Avatar photoMike Halloran

                                  “I am having a problem printing to a PDF.…”

                                  Mac or Windows? This is one area where the two operating systems are way different. The MacOS has a native pdf engine but Windows does not.

                                  Windows users should use a 3rd party pdf engine. If you were using Microsoft’s Print to PDF, that has been depreciated and is no longer available for download (too problematic and Microsoft stopped trying to fix it). The free app ‘Cute PDF’ is popular.

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