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Normally yes, Encore 5 runs as well on Windows 11 as it does on Windows 10. There have apparently been difficulties on some new systems (as opposed to upgrades), but there should be a solution by removing an (invasive) feature.
First thing is to try, if you still have the installation file.-
This reply was modified 1 day, 8 hours ago by
Andre Baeck.
Well, Encore 5 can do that…
In Windows, it is an application which runs very well on current hardware and software, though the XML export is quite limited.More seriously, I only know of Harmony Assistant (Myriad) which has an import function for MTD/Encore files. Developped at Encore 4 time-frame, and slightly modified more than 10 years ago to open Encore 5 files. Depending on the file complexity, it can do a good job (particularly on E4) or be very poor…
Perhaps several other products did the same, but dit not shout it load. Doing that requires a careful decoding of the Encore files, which some people believe it’s “reverse engineering” which is prohibited by the usage license. AFAIK, the concept of reverse engineering applies only to product code (which is proprietary) not to data files (which are fully owned by the user of the software).
February 27, 2025 at 5:03 am in reply to: If you moved on from Encore, what are you now using? #3928To be seen as the end of the winter?
I understand you don’t mean other software that uses the same extension (.mus has been used by different programs, with different and incompatible formats).
Software able to read MTD/Encore files will (normally) find something in the format which determines the “author software” (eventually to confirm the one induced by the extension).
But they do not need to know if a file was actually created by MTD or Encore to decode it properly.
Somehow, they’ll need to find out if it is an M4/E5 or an M3/E4 format (slightly different), perhaps an earlier one, and most probably if it is an E6 format.
We should guess that E6 will (at least slightly) change the format (and its identification) so that E5 should not try to open E6 files.I answered elsewhere:
Encore and MusicTime (DeLuxe!) have the same format. The difference in file extension is just for clarity(?)-
This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by
Andre Baeck.
Encore and MusicTime (DeLuxe!) have the same format. The difference in file extension is just for clarity(?)
I’ve been able to try. A Mac license key is accepted by a Windows-installed Encore5.
I have received the font package sent my Mike, and added it on my download page.
Send me a mail at andre(dot)baeck(at)gmail(dot)com so that I could send you a download link.
Installing a demo version, or a full version – even without a license code – would reinstall the Encore-provided fonts.
I guess it must be the same on Mac as it is in Win.
Send me a mail at andre(dot)baeck(at)gmail(dot)com so that I could send you a download link.If you bought Encore in the nineties, the license code might not work with Encore5. There has been a paying upgrade in the 2006-2007 timeframe which was necessary for E5.
Encore6 isn’t available yet.
Send me a mail at andre(dot)baeck(at)gmail(dot)com, so that I can send you a link to the Windows Encore5 “full” installation file.
I cannot guarantee that the license key for Mac would be accepted by a Windows version; I always understood that a single license was sufficient for both platforms, but some recent feedback got me become sceptical. Anyway, it’s worth trying.
Mike Halloran wrote: “Win 11 has been problematic but I remember reading that someone was successful. No idea how.”
I didn’t need to do anything special with Windows 11 (“Family”). One one machine, it was an automatic update of W. and Encore 5 and 4 survived without any particular action. On another one it was a new install of W11, I installed E5 without any special trick – entering the license key, of course.
Now, I think that, at some time, there was a also a shrinked version of W11, which tried to copy the intolerance of Mac’s against products not going through their official distribution channel.
Zensaba: “is there a way to be notified when it’s released?”
I don’t think that Don has a list of earlier orders, to send a mass mail when E6 is available.
From the forum, it would require that one of us would volunteer to maintain a list (of e-mails of) interested parties. Is it worth doing?
Actually, the administrator of this forum should have a list of forum subscribers, which could be useful for a first mass mail at annopuncement. But I’m afraid the only forum administrator is Don, and it is better that he spends his time to the actual E6 development.
“will not accept” ? error messages or other symptoms?
How did you install or move it on that machine?I haven’t found any 3d-party sites which are selling Encore 5 licenses, their own reseller licenses has vanished with the stop of business of the former Passport company.
The only downloads I have found are demo versions, which cannot be activated with a license key.The only thing which is possible, is to make a download version available to people owning a license key.
And Encore 4?
Users often have a large library dating several years, not to say centuries, with several pieces which never had to be updated. -
This reply was modified 1 day, 8 hours ago by